120 - Sky Rocket


clockwork, plastic rocket - lighted by a little AA-battery. Two levers for altitude and direction control. Coloured, lithographed, card-boxed. In flight the engine glow / "afterburner" is indicated by a red bulb. Red levers either wooden or plastic.

Seize: 225 x 95 x 90 mm


ready for launch launched Sky Rocket in space base plates

ready for launch


Sky Rocket in Space

different base plates


plastic levers

the original box as scan

the flap of the box
with plastic levers the 120 box #1 the 120 box #2 the 120 flap


The on / off function is achieved by mechanical power. The Pertinax-lever lifts or lowers the battery - thus opening or closing the contact

advertising leaflet and an un-punched tin plate - representing the "raw" control center of this station - this piece was used for the 199 Helicopter Remote Control as well. Size 70 x 52 cm - 54 lithos

"OFF"-position "ON"-position Werbeblättchen 120 unpunched base station
generated: JUN-24-2001  last update: Spring 2018