510 log lorry

Printing Plate Log Lorry

The printing plate shown in the line above for the catalogs and advertising leaflets reached me at the end of 2023 in an auctioned bundle - together with the printing plates for the 500 steam locomotive and the 521 baggage car. Available from 1957


Log lorry, light green chassis, yellow superstructure, usually 6 wooden trunks

dark green chassis
bright green log lorry

dark green chassis


green comparison

log lorry, chassis pigeon blue, orange superstructure

pigeon blue chassis and orange forks

pigeon blue chassis and orange forks


dark / normal blue

blue comparison

blue chassis and orange forks

bothe blue's in comparison #1bothe blue's in comparison #2


black chassis and yellow superstructure

Log lorry, green or black chassis, yellow superstructure, plastic tubes as shown in the 1971 and later catalogues

black chassis and again yellow forks

No. 2 version - plastic tubes as load


Usually the underside is black - except at the blue version. The boogies were black as well - except this version here

Dark green log lorry in damaged blister. The price tag says 9 DEM, thus this coach was sold about 1974/75
blank boogie
Black log lorry in damaged blister. Delivered with 5 woden trunks only
mit 5 Hölzern 
generated: JAN-07-2001 last update: Februar 2024