Excavator 745


No. 745 - 2nd version

Twin-axle clockwork excavator. Yellow cabin, red chassis, blue roof, boom either red or light-blue, either treads or or rubber / plastic tires, clam yellowish (light-yellow). Two levers on the backside of the cabin - the left hand lever lifts (down pos.) or releases (up pos.) the clam - right hand lever opens (down pos.) or closes the clam. The clockwork-key is situated on the left side - it was either a small Biller key - or a simple removable key - as shown here. The clockwork-spring is clearly shorter than the ones used with the locos - resulting in a shorter running-time. Tracks always with rectangular shape. The red chassis ALWAYS shows the 2 holes for the connecting-rods to the truck.

Box seize: 305 x 195 x 140 mm - excavator: 380 x 215 x 100 mm


Excavator with red boom and treads - from both sides

multi-coloured excavator - left side

multi-coloured excavator - right side

showing the levers and simple clockwork key

the original box with nice lid picture

showing the levers

the original box


No. 745 - 3rd version

possibly this version is simply a relict from a 845-2 ExcavatorTruck

with rubber tires

and again any simple removable key

red boom - and rubber tires

multi-coloured excavator - right side


No. 745 - 4th version

the excavator with blue boom

and the small fixed Biller key
multi-coloured excavator - blue boom blue boom and fixed Biller key


ALL VERSIONS: the clockwork is smaller, more simple and not the same as used in the locos
generated: SEP-22-2002 last update: Autumn 2014