Billerbahn Waggons

Differences at the Chassis / Bogies Chassis
Clicking the picture will open a new page showing pictures of the appropriate car / coach incl. details, variations, availability and last update.
Tipper 001 Tipper Shell tanker 513 Tanker / 1504 Battery wagon "Shell" 
Flachwagen / Flat car 501 Flat car Railroad crane 514 Railroad crane
offener Gw / Gondola 502 Gondola car transporter 515 Car transporter
Fasswagen / Oil wagon 503 Oil wagon double tipper 516 Double tipper
Mannschaftswagen / Crew wagon 504 Crew wagon Passenger coach 520 A - Passenger and 1520 Battery Passenger coach
Langholztransporter / Timber wagon 505 Timber wagon Passenger coach 520 B - Passenger coach, red
Schienentransporter / Track transporter 506 / 507 Track transporter Baggage coach 521 Baggage coach, 1521 Battery coach
Variationswagen / variation wagon 508 Variation wagon, 8 pieces Baggage coach 522 Goods wagon
Variationswagen / variation wagon 509 Variation wagon, 15 pieces Refrigerator car 523 Refrigerator car
Rungenwagen / log lorry 510 Log lorry Banana wagon 524 Banana wagon
side tipper 511 Side tipper Battery tender Two-axle Battery tenders
ballast wagon 512 Ballast wagon ÖBB Coaches ÖBB coaches